Editorial and ethical policy

Evaluation process

Each article submitted to Tangence is evaluated by two independent evaluators chosen by the journal’s executive committee among peers with a solid knowledge of the subjects discussed in a particular issue. The committee calls on experts from various institutional affiliations presenting no conflicts of interest. Anonymity of the authors and evaluators is assured throughout the double-blind evaluation process.

Decisions about whether or not to publish issues and articles are based on the results of the evaluations. Evaluators’ opinions and recommendations are conveyed to the authors by the directors of the journal. In disputed cases, the directors may need to make the final decision.

Note that Tangence publishes only original articles in French.



After evaluation, submissions are first revised by our editorial secretary in Trois-Rivières, who ensures respect for protocol. The secretary also highlights linguistic problems and verifies the accuracy of references while indicating the recommendations of the evaluators, where appropriate, for the authors’ consideration. A second reading is done by one of the journal’s directors.

The revised texts are then sent to the authors to make the needed corrections. After they are returned, the texts are read once again by a journal director, who verifies that all requested changes have been made. The page layout is done and the PDFs are sent to the authors for a final revision. A journal director reads the proofs one last time, and a definitive PDF format is produced.

For additional information, see the protocol available on this page.


Copyright management

The authors cede their rights to the journal. We systematically grant permission to reproduce an article on condition the author states that the original version was published in Tangence. The royalties produced by the additional reproduction of an article are divided equally between the journal and the author of the article. The author may archive a version of his/her article in an institutional repository.



Tangence does not allow any type of plagiarism, whether it is a complete article or part of a work.

Plagiarism, as we define it, consists of copying all or parts of the content of an article or a work of another author without giving that author the credit for their work by means of an explicit reference.

Any type of plagiarism in a text will result in the denial of its publishing or, if already published, the withdrawal of the journal and the author will not be allowed to submit any future article to the journal.

In addition, if an assessor notices that a reference is missing in a text, the author will need to make the change before the publishing, in order to make sure their article will be included in the journal.

The Tangence team uses software, such as Compilatio, to find traces of plagiarism in the texts submitted to the journal.


Responsible conduct and research integrity

The editorial and ethical process of Tangence, as previously described, is based on the principles outlined in the Politique sur la conduite responsable et l’intégrité en recherche et création of the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières.

This policy is guided, notably, by the concern to :

  • Conduct research in an honest search for knowledge ;
  • Promote a climate of integrity, responsibility and public confidence in matters of research ;
  • Possess the knowledge and expertise needed and act accordingly ;
  • Examine others’ research with integrity ;
  • Avoid conflicts of interest or, if these are inevitable, discuss them ethically ;
  • Demonstrate transparency and honesty as regards requesting and managing public funds ;
  • Use research funds and resources responsibly and render the proper accounts ;
  • Disseminate research findings responsibly and on a timely basis ;
  • Process data rigorously ;
  • Recognize all contributions to a research, a creation or an invention as well as their authors ;
  • Promote responsible conduct in research and the development of best practices. (free translation) (Extracts from the Politique sur la conduite responsable et l’intégrité en recherche et création)

All ethical violations will be examined by members of the executive committee who will make a decision based on this policy and the guidelines promoted by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).